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Optical Industry
HPC Puckett Advisory Company Specializes in the Optical Industry
HPC Puckett Advisory Company is not a generalist. The Firm specializes in one industry, in order to know every aspect of our client's business. Add that knowledge to the transaction, legal, business, financial, and tax expertise of the Firm's professional team, and HPC Puckett's clients know that they are in good hands.
Clients of HPC Puckett, find it refreshing that the Firm's professional team understands their business, understands the supply chain, understands the differences in the type of markets that they serve, and fully grasps the associated complexity of state laws and certification requirements. Bringing that knowledge to the process, provides a unique opportunity to integrate each client's personal business knowledge with HPC Puckett's vast network of industry contacts. HPC Puckett Advisory Company, not only has direct contact with the material elements of the supply chain, but in most instances, the Firm has a deep, long standing relations with the Chief Executive Officer of the company, many of which are past clients of HPC Puckett.
HPC Puckett Advisory Company understands the relationship of independent eye care professionals (ECP's), the role of optical manufacturing, supply and distribution, doctor alliances, buying groups, and practice consolidation. The Firm is instrumental in the coordination of, and synergies associated with the related supply chains. In short, HPC Puckett is able to see the sector from 50,000 feet, in order to advise its clients, not only of the current industry status, but what is on the near and mid-term horizon as well.
In coordinating the rapidly increasing number of consolidations within the industry, HPC Puckett has, from the onset of the consolidation of the industry, been the catalyst for:
Establishing the formulas for valuation of optical business'
Setting the foundation for acquisition procedures
Establishing reasonable guidelines for documentation criteria
Establishing accounting procedures and balancing industry norms with GAAP accounting
Creating deferred acquisition concepts and "Partner" structures involving strategic alliances
HPC Puckett Advisory Company believes every client is its most important. In that end, and recognizing that all transactions are unique, HPC Puckett approaches each new engagement in the following manner:
Evaluate and understand the needs of the client, their family, their employees, and their business
Organize the financial, technical, legal and operation information, in order to evaluate the business
Value the optical business, using established valuation procedure developed by the Firm
Develop alternative choices for the client, and prepare a business plan that meets the client's needs
Prepare a Confidential Offering Memorandum, where a sale, merger or strategic alliance is the goal
Identify qualified prospective acquisition, merger or investment candidates
Negotiate the terms of the transaction, and assist in documenting the same
Negotiate and assist in drafting the definitive documents, prepare closing schedules, coordinate with and assist outside legal and financial representatives, assist in obtaining third party consents, and coordinate all closing procedures
Bring added value to every transaction, by acting as the Firm's clients equalizer to the specialized acquisition departments of the consolidators
HPC Puckett continues to be committed to the optical sector. This commitment is evidenced by the Firm's continued involvement in:
Active participation in The Vision Council
Participation in numerous speaking engagements and panels in the US, as well as, internationally
Formation and continued involvement in The Optical Pioneers and Optical Hall of Fame programs
Monitoring and advising dozens of independently owned entities on a continuous basis
Promoting and advocating independent business' and eye care professional's rights and issues
The Firm provides each of these sectors with detailed financial analysis, strategic planning, valuation analysis, as well as, assistance in document preparation and closing procedures, as needed, for a successful transaction. The Firm's reputation for honesty, service and reliability is a standard for all segments of the industry; and the relationships within the industry, provide for a successful formula for integration of sectors.
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